About Me

About Me

I am a cultural historian with an emphasis on East German history and culture. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2020. My research combines visual culture, anthropology, gender studies, and postcolonial theories to discuss international solidarity efforts abroad. I joined the German Studies Program at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky as a Assistant Professor in the fall of 2020.


Jenseits der Heimat. Sozialismus, Leben und Erinnerung 2022

“Jenseits der Heimat. Sozialismus, Leben und Erinnerung ,” digital fellowship as part of Art in Networks, 2022

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“Die DDR in Mosambik: Privatfotografien einer vergessenen Zeit”, Photo Exhibition, Middlebury College, 2019

“Die DDR in Mosambik: Privatfotografien einer vergessenen Zeit”, Photo Exhibition, Middlebury College, 2019

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“RDA em Moçambique: fotografias de um tempo esquecido”, Photo Exhibition Maputo, 2018

“RDA em Moçambique: fotografias de um tempo esquecido”, Photo Exhibition Maputo, 2018

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Podcast Interview with Radio GDR, January 19, 2021

Podcast Interview with Radio GDR, January 2021

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“East Germany in Mozambique: Private Photographs of a Forgotten Time”, Photo Exhibition, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2018

“East Germany in Mozambique: Private Photographs of a Forgotten Time”, Photo Exhibition, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2018

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An Online Symposium 30 Years After the Fall of the Wall

An Online Symposium 30 Years After the Fall of the Wall, 2019

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Mozambique Past-Present, Photo Project, 2018

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  • Peer-Reviewed

    Bahr, Katrin. “Between State Mission and Everyday Life: Private Photographs of East Germans in Mozambique in the 1980s.“ In Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings, Exchanges and (Dis)entanglements between Africa and East Germany.Eds., Harisch, Immanuel R., Anne Dietrich, Marcia C. Schenk, and Eric Burton. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.

    Bahr, Katrin. “Hinterlassene Spuren: Selbstbild und Weltbild. DDR-ExpertInnen in Mosambik.” In Respekt und Anerkennung – ungelöste Fragen der mosambikanischen Vertragsarbeiter 1979-2019, Tagungsband, Eds., Birgit Neumann-Becker and Hans-Joachim Döring. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag GmbH, 2020, 131-144.

    Bahr, Katrin and Melanie Lorek. “‘Ja, wohin gehen sie denn?’: Die „3. Generation Ostdeutscher zwischen Suchen und Finden am Beispiel des 1.5 Generationskonzeptes.” In Die Generation der Wendekinder: Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes, Eds., Lettrari, Adriana, Christian Nestler and Nadja Troi-Boeck, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2017, 255-277.

    Bahr, Katrin. “‘Wie war das damals’ – Blitzlicht.” InWie war das für Euch?: Die Dritte Generation Ost im Gespräch mit ihren Eltern, Eds., Enders, Judith C, Mandy Schulze, and Bianca Ely, Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2016, 66-67.

  • Other Articles

    Bahr, Katrin. “Why studying the GDR still matters today – The GDR as Lived Experience.” In Diversity, Decolonization, and the German Curriculum. Blog, June 18, 2019. https://diversityingermancurriculum.weebly.com/ddgc-blog/why-studying-the-gdr-still-matters-today-the-gdr-as-lived-experience.

    Bahr, Katrin. “Traveling Mozambique: Family History and Search for Traces.” In Third Generation Ost: New Perspectives on the German Democratic Republic. Blog, September 17, 2018. http://thirdgenerationost.com/travelling-mozambique-family-history-and-search-for-traces/

    Bahr, Katrin. “Traveling Mozambique: Family History and Search for Traces.” In Third Generation Ost: New Perspectives on the German Democratic Republic. Blog, September 17, 2018. http://thirdgenerationost.com/travelling-mozambique-family-history-and-search-for-traces/.

    Bahr, Katrin. “Das Erzählen über die DDR ist immer noch stark Westdeutsch geprägt.” In Tagesspiegel, Interview, October 23, 2014. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/themen/mauerfall/dritte-generation-ostdeutschland-das-erzaehlen-ueber-die-ddr-ist-immer-noch-stark-westdeutsch-gepraegt/10876918.html.

  • Editorial

    Bahr, Katrin, Claudia Sandberg, and Juliane Schicker (eds.). Third Generation Ost: New Perspectives on the German Democratic Republic. Blog. 2017-2020. http://thirdgenerationost.com.

    Bahr, Katrin, Claudia Sandberg, Juliane Schicker, and Victoria Rizo Lenshyn (eds.). An Online Symposium 30 Years After the Fall of the Wall. November 9, 2019. http://thirdgenerationost.com/symposium-30-jahre-mauerfall/.